Chapter 3. Deploy

The SCAM framework consists of a number of packages depending on how the web-application is put together.

scamDrutten - RDF helper classes including RDF-RDB interaction
scamRepository - the EJB-backend of SCAM
scamController - HTTP controller framework (base for web-application)
scamEditor - SHAME (metadata-editor)
scamTaglibs - taglibs included in SCAM
Jena, JSTL and other 3rd party packages (3PP)

Copy scamRepository.jar and your web-application, e.g. scamPortfolio.ear, along with additional configuration files (see Chapter 2, Configure) to $JBOSS_HOME/server/$CONFIG/deploy/scam. All other packages must be available in classpath, preferable by copying them to $JBOSS_HOME/server/$CONFIG/lib/. This is not necessary if your web-application is built to include them.

Start JBoss by executing $JBOSS_HOME/bin/ -c $CONFIG, where $CONFIG is the name of your configuration, e.g. default.