Chapter 2. Configure

Edit the file to match your requirements. This file should be available in your web-application and describes some vital parameters for SCAM such as JNDI name for the repository datasource (database) and where uploaded files and backups should be stored. Note that scamRepository also requires access to this file. scamPortfolio also has the following additional configuration files:

views.xml; mapping types to their corresponding SHAME graphs; mapping types to a presentable textformat; locale-dependant messages (resource bundle); mapping types to icons

Make sure you have a correct [database]-ds.xml file in your deploy directory. This file configures the properties that JBoss uses to connect to the database and must match the JNDI entry in Examples are located in $JBOSS_HOME/docs/examples/jca/.

The HTTP port that JBoss-Tomcat will listen to is configured in $JBOSS_HOME/server/$CONFIG/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml. You can also configure the minimum and maximum number of threads (processors) that will be started.