related to SCAM
are some project that is using SCAM or which are related in one way or
another. This list is constantly growing and if you know about other
projects using SCAM, please let us know. Send an e-mail toFredrik Paulsson [].
that can be used with SCAM
peer-to-peer infrastructure for meta-data exchange.
A concept browser, which is a tool for the organization and
exploration of electronically stored components of information. An efficient
concept browser creates an overview of the different concepts under study
by supporting a separation between their context and their content.
SHAME (Standardized
Hyper-Adaptible Metadata Editor)
SHAME is currently a framework for building editors, presentations
and query interfaces for resource centric RDF metadata. In practice it
is a library that easily can be integrated into various applications.
Since specific applications / deployments need to edit different sets
of metadata the SHAME framework provides a configuration procedure from
where applications is generated. The core and main benefit of SHAME is
it's configurability through a data modeling part (SHAME Query Model)
and a form-specification part (SHAME Form Model). SHAME is very useful
when developing SCAM application and it is a part of the upcoming SCAM
developed using SCAM
Portfolio is an application that supports teachers and students working
with learning portfolios. SCAM Portfolio stores files and metadata on
the Internet or Intranet. It contains various features for pedagogical
support - such as annotation of resources, sharing of resources etc. SCAM
Portfolio is easy to install and is bundled with the SCAM ePortfolio distribution
Utbildningsradions (UR) Media Library. A catalogue and distribution
system for UR's media productions.
NoT Navet
Learning Resources for science teachers in Sweden.
Projekt i klassrummet
An information archive on projects in swedish schools
MSU Publication Database
The national Agency for School Improvements publication
VWE Repository and FileService
VWE is a module based Virtual Learning Environment that uses
a similar "object" concept for the VLE as the Learning Object
concept uses for the content.
Lärarutbilningen i Umeå
- Kurskatalog
A course catalogue maintained by the teacher education at
Umeå university.

Last modified 2005-12-20 by Fredrik