Application overview

Application domain

The Application is a Web-application devided in three layers; repository layer, application layer and the user interface layer. Typical properties for Web-applications is the that most state information used by the applications is stored in a repository layer, and the Application serves several users simultaneously. This combination results in a highly parallel Application where race conditons needs to be identified and addressed. However, the SCAM Framework provides a repository that is synchronized.

See Chapter 15, Functional specification for more functional description of the Application.

Software interfaces

Most likely will the Application be used as a standalone application without interference from external systems. The SCAM Framework does however provide a RMI interface to the repository that can be utilized for connecting external systems to the Application.

Development enviroment

Operating system

The machines on which the Application is developed runs on Windows XP and Linux. This is not a requirement. Since Java is used as programming language the Application can be ported to other operating systems.

Program language

Java will be used as programming language. There are no specific requirements regarding the versions of the JDK and the JRE in developing the Application. In this project are following used:

  • J2SDK 1.4

  • J2RE 1.4

  • J2SDKEE 1.3.1

Third party tools and libraries

Different tools can be used in the development of the Application, following is a list of tools used by team developers:

  • NetBeans IDE 3.4.1, primary IDE for source code development.

  • Ant 1.5, tool for building the different parts of the Application.

  • Jakarta Taglibs 1.0.2, a library for developing tag-libraries.

  • Jena 1.4, a library for modelling and storing metadata.