Chapter 10. Build an application

Table of Contents

Define the workflow
Define parameters
Implement the transitions
Implement the visualization
Make the configuration
Deploying the application


This chapter will give a description on how to develop and implement a web-application based the SCAM framework. It requires a working JBoss installation (current version: jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24) and the SCAM framework packages.

When building a web-application, not only those based on the SCAM framework, the application designer begins with defining the workflow for the web-application. This involves defining the data process that is required in each step and defining the different views used for interacting with the user. From the data process specification a set of Command-objects is implemented by a programmer. The views are implemented as JSP's by a GUI-developer, normally in cooperation with the programmer. All parts are assembled and the configuration files are built before the application is deployed by the system operator.

The following pages will describe in more detail how each step is performed and provide examples from the reference implementation.