========= SCAM TODO ========= 1. Several SCAM-applications within the same JBoss - command-chain is defined in web.xml, default is "command-chain.xml" - CommandChainConfiguration, ViewBean, etc. non-static -> application-scope bean => Changes in the build process: move configuration values from scam.properties to relevant configuration files (web.xml, discriptors, etc) Problem: Applications are forced to share data - Seach ALL manifests - list manifests - unknown RDF.type:s Solution: Different Repository-instances read their own config-params from deployment descriptors instead of scam.properties (used as "fallback"). 2. Garbage-collection of RDB (Jena 2 migration may solve this issue) 3. "Fail-safe" chains - Create default-Item, abort SHAME -> empty Resource - A better value for "n/a" (language dependent) 4. taglibs must be able to handle "wrong" metadata, e.g. bNode is missing. - Alt 1: abort -> wrong presentation? - Alt 2: continue -> traverse branch, use default-values. 5. Performance/scalability measurements (Repository) 6. Admin-interface - Add/remove/update users/manifests, backup/restore New EJB: UserAdminBean - add/remove users - user editable by SHAME; getUser(String name) -> Model - different implementations for different LoginModule:s 7. Locking of Resources; recursive locks? 8. System without ACLs with everything readable by "guest"? 9. SSO HTTP 10. Requirements specification of SCAM? 11. Replace scamEditor with SHAME. - JSP implementation of the UI?